Does anyone else besides me create a list of things to do before Christmas? I know we’re admonished to remember the “reason for season,” and they’re right. But when you’ve got family spread out all over the country, a list, complete with timetable, is necessary. At...
Blog Post
Abundant Thanks
This is NOT a post saluting America's Thanksgiving Day next month. This IS a post encouraging you, me--everyone--to live a life of abundant thanks and praise every single day we are alive. I'm inspired by Psalm 109:30. "With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to...
Who’s Steering Your Boat?
I love the beach. I don’t love boats. Which was a disappointment to my dad. But I get queasy on a calm lake, just uncomfortable enough so I can’t enjoy the experience of sun and breeze and water and rocking…rocking… rocking… Can you drop me off at the nearest dock? I...
What Did Jesus SAY?
The slogan, “What Would Jesus Do?” was a big thing about thirty years ago. It dates me, I know, but the other day I was reminiscing about it and realized that as lovely as the idea was, it really couldn’t definitively solve any problem. Different people have different...
Nancy Rue, NOT Nancy Drew
“Because her name is easy to mistake with that of a certain blonde amateur sleuth in a little blue roadster, Nancy Rue often finds more name recognition than she expects. This is somehow fitting, because it was partly her childhood admiration for Nancy Drew – in the...
Ascension Sunday: Waiting for Christ’s Return
If only Jesus would return! How often have you heard those words from a fellow Christian? And no wonder. Chinese spy balloons fake news corruption in the state department corruption in the White House leaks out of the Supreme Court FBI shenanigans looting criminals...
The Hour Had Come
All of His life on earth, Jesus was aware this hour would come, and in His humanity, He could set that apart, compartmentalize, file it in a drawer for the future. He didn’t dwell on fear of the future that awaited Him.Until this final Passover. Time was up.
Shattered Marriage–Can It Be Repaired?
Shattered. A precious vase drops to the hardwood floor. A baseball sails through the window. Adultery decimates a marriage. Shattered. No longer whole. A thousand scattered shards. Can you put the pieces back together again? The short answer? Yes, it’s possible. The...
God Is With Us, Ponder These Things In Your Heart
Christmas is over. The tree is probably down (not mine), and once again, you’ve stored the decorations in the attic or the basement or a closet. But Christmas is NOT over. It’s never over. God came down to be with us. That’s why we celebrate Christmas. He told the...
God Is Good
Go about your days doing the work God called you to do. Find a daily blessing, and make every day one of thanksgiving.
God is good.
Connections Across the Generations
You know those women who find themselves in an empty nest and all they can think of is adding grandchildren to said nest? I wasn’t one of them. Twenty years ago, I was the mother of three young adult sons, all unmarried. It was fine with me if the boys hadn’t found...
What Does It Mean to Dedicate Your Child to the Lord?
As each of my sons were born, my husband and I made sure to participate in an infant dedication service at church. On those three separate occasions, we entrusted our babies to God’s care. The ceremony wasn't a baptism, although promises made by the parents are...
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