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The Worst Attack On the Capitol

On July 21st of this year, Nancy Pelosi stated that the January 6 insurrection was the “worst assault on the Capitol since the War of 1812…an attempt to overthrow the government.”

By taking selfies with their cell phones?

I watched the footage of that day. In one clip, several people were climbing walls and trying to bash in windows. Prosecute them for vandalism, disorderly conduct, and intimidation. However, others in the same video clip were lifting the violent protesters away from the windows.

The vast majority of the thousands of people who marched that day believed they were part of a peaceful protest, echoes of the Tea Party. Another video clip (at a different entry, I assume) showed Capitol police officers opening a gate and waving a docile crowd inside. If I’d been there, I would have walked in, too. And like many, I would’ve raised my cell phone high to take photos of the rooms where history is made.


The Speaker of the House doesn’t know certain inconvenient facts. Or she left them out.

There has been violence on the Capitol grounds since the War of 1812. One particular event that sticks in my memory is the bombing of the Capitol building by the Weather Underground on March 1, 1971. Three hundred thousand dollars in damage, no casualties. To give them credit, and I use the term loosely, the Weathermen gave advance warning of their intentions.

The anti-war protests of the 1960s and 70s contained violence, much of it from the police, but not all of it. Those demonstrations were more violent than what happened on January 6, 2021, and for the most part, far less violent than the riots America endured in cities across the country for the past year and more.

However, by 1968, the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) had split into two factions. One wanted to be more like the civil rights movement—peaceful and organized. The other became militant and joined the Black Power movement, agreeing with Malcolm X. “By any means necessary” translated to “Pick up the gun.”

Until I read an interview with Mark Rudd, one of the founders of the Weathermen, I hadn’t known they planned an attack against Fort Dix in 1970. Wanting to detonate a bomb during an Army dance, they accidentally blew themselves up instead.

Rudd, who disassociated himself from violence against the innocent, realized, “We had moved to the point of…terrorism.”

And what are Antifa and BLM (the Marxist organization) doing now?

History repeated equals history deleted.



    • Linda Sammaritan

      Good one! I guess the main difference is the protesters couldn’t get through the door.

  1. Nancy Lynn Ness

    I know someone who was there on January 6. She and her sister were among many peaceful protestors, singing patriotic songs and talking among themselves. The many people marching peacefully did not make it on the major news stations.


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