A graffiti artist plans his “masterpiece” on the wall of a vacant building. He sprays a first stroke, a series of orange swirls. “You call that art?” taunts a rival gang member. The artist ignores him, the finished mural emblazoned in his mind. Glowing swirls are only...
Middle Grade Fiction
Picture of the Month
Our family photo taken just before Dad left to train for Vietnam in California. We followed a month later. Not our happiest smiles.
Picture of the Month
Feeling a little warm on this glorious Fourth of July? Here's a photo to cool you off! The family was still living in upstate New York where the snow never leaves for good until May.
The Latest
What a month! With extra Grandma duties, writing tasks and conferences, birthdays, and graduations, this site was neglected. I still have one more wedding and writing conference for the summer, but I WILL make time to update regularly! Being able to spend time with...
Sparkles from Silence: Semi-finalist!
Just wanted to share an update on the progress of Sparkles From Silence. This first book in the series, World Without Sound, has made it to the semi-final round of the Genesis Contest, a national competition organized by the American Christian Fiction Writers. If...
Picture of the Month
And this is why Book 1 is entitled Sparkles from Silence! Tricia at 5 months old.
Sparkles from Silence, Book 1 from World Without Sound
When expecting the possibility of a special-needs child, parents need to prepare the siblings. But who can ever REALLY be prepared? Mom heaves one of those sighs I’ve gotten used to since spring. “Debbie, I know you’re happy about the new baby, but I...
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