I was Daddy's girl. I'm sure my sister would tell you she was Daddy's girl, too. Our father had the gift of making sure each child felt special. If you have been reading excerpts of Sparkles from Silence, you know that our father was a fighter pilot in the United...
Blog Post
Are We Almost There, Lord?
Growing up in the Air Force, I endured a lot of long car rides. We drove to a new home every few months, eventually stretching that to every three years. We drove to visit family and old friends, hours and hours rolling past flat lands or hills or mountains. We always...
I Was a Bossy Little Thing!
Tricia (Krista) handed me a thick file of old letters when I last visited with her. A treasure trove of our past! I'll share little nuggets as I find them. Here is the first, my letter to Grandma, before I knew there was going to be a fourth baby. My grammar skills...
Wound Therapy
My mother sustained a nasty fall a while ago resulting in a deep gash that required fifteen sutures. In order for the arm to heal properly, the doctor sent her to a center for wound therapy. I never knew such places existed. They specialize in keeping wounds clean,...
Grafitti Masterpiece: A Parable
A graffiti artist plans his “masterpiece” on the wall of a vacant building. He sprays a first stroke, a series of orange swirls. “You call that art?” taunts a rival gang member. The artist ignores him, the finished mural emblazoned in his mind. Glowing swirls are only...
Picture of the Month
Our family photo taken just before Dad left to train for Vietnam in California. We followed a month later. Not our happiest smiles.
He Had a Dream
As I watch opposing factions break into violence on the television news every night, I wonder, "What happened to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream?" Fifty-four years ago this month, he gave a speech, now hailed as a masterpiece of logic and passion. Fifty-four years...
Bedecked, Bedazzled, and Bedraggled
The bride stands at the double doors to the church sanctuary waiting for her cue to enter. She’s gorgeous, radiant; she may never look this beautiful again. The ten thousand dollar wedding gown with hand sewn pearls creates a luminescent design; the matching veil...
Picture of the Month
Feeling a little warm on this glorious Fourth of July? Here's a photo to cool you off! The family was still living in upstate New York where the snow never leaves for good until May.
The Latest
What a month! With extra Grandma duties, writing tasks and conferences, birthdays, and graduations, this site was neglected. I still have one more wedding and writing conference for the summer, but I WILL make time to update regularly! Being able to spend time with...
Sparkles from Silence: Semi-finalist!
Just wanted to share an update on the progress of Sparkles From Silence. This first book in the series, World Without Sound, has made it to the semi-final round of the Genesis Contest, a national competition organized by the American Christian Fiction Writers. If...
The Geometry of Life
When I taught fifth grade, I loved to integrate our math unit in geometry with Bible class. Have you ever thought deeply about lines and line segments and rays and points? Lines, especially, give me a stomach ache, and my classes often experienced the same reaction. A...
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